Newsletter nº 1

2015 will be a year of big changes …

It will not be a beginning, nor an end, just a transformation step towards a new image and a new communication policy that better convey the values of our company:

  • Because our image must convey everything we do and are;
  • Because our image must convey the history of growth, dedication, work and hardship that characterize us;
  • Because our image must transmit the innovation and creativity, which accompany us and which will be developed in the future.
  • Because we want to grow;
  • Because we are Color.

To the founding partners, To the managing partners, To the collaborators, To the customers, To the suppliers, to all who believed, to all those who dedicate themselves daily and to all who have made and will make GLOMA® a little better:

A huge Thank You for your Effort, Dedication and Loyalty!